Merry Pissmas! Đi tiểu quần trắng của tôi khi tôi đã chết tiệt tuyệt vọng sau khi đi dạo. Đi tiểu khắp nơi vì vậy đã khỏa thân để dọn dẹp
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Oh Jesus fucking Christ! I was absolutely fucking bursting for a pee upon getting home from a 3-4 hour amble with my bestie. I got my jogging bottoms down in time but not my white panties and so the first part of the piss you can see it gushing through the fresh cotton. Then I try really hard to stop the flow so I can take my soggy knickers off to give you a better view of my hairy bushy pussy letting my golden nectar flow. And then? Then I stop the flow again to get a head torch shining on me, so you get a much better view of my goddess like perfect naked body (your words, not mine!) as u finish squeezing out every last drop. And then? Then it's cleaning up time! Which involves giving you the view of my cute little butt as I use wet those moist tissues to clean up the pee that went all down my legs and over my arse/ass. I give hole number two a proper clean too. Oh, and as it's me, there's a random little ‘sexy' dance thrown in there too. Obviously! I am me after all.